这个借助了 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;

使用下面这个方法做转换,可以说是一个工具吧,注意一下,constructParametricType () 这个方法其实已经作废了

public static JavaType getCollectionType(Class<?> collectionClass, Class<?>... elementClasses) {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        return mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(collectionClass, elementClasses);

下面来转一下,这里的 PsOrg 是一个 POJO

String returnObj = jso.get("returnObj").toString();
                JavaType javaType = getCollectionType(ArrayList.class, PsOrg.class);
                List<PsOrg> psOrgList = (List<PsOrg>) objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, javaType);

还有一些其他方法,比如 google 的 Gson,方法里的 str 就是一个 json 类型的字符串

Gson gson = new Gson();
List<String> mfgLines = gson.fromJson(str, new TypeToken<List<String>>() {}.getType());

还有个更方便的方法,使用阿里的 fastjson,只需要一行代码

List<Model> list = JSON.parseArray("你的json字符串", Model.class);Model是你的实体)

如果两边的字段数量不一致,可以在你的实体类上添加下面注解 @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)


     * @deprecated Since 2.5, use {@link #constructParametrizedType} instead.
    public JavaType constructParametricType(Class<?> parametrized, Class<?>... parameterClasses) {
        return constructParametrizedType(parametrized, parametrized, parameterClasses);
     * Factory method for constructing {@link JavaType} that
     * represents a parameterized type. For example, to represent
     * type <code>List<Integer></code>, you could
     * call
     *  TypeFactory.constructParametrizedType(List.class, List.class, Integer.class);
     * The reason for first two arguments to be separate is that parameterization may
     * apply to a super-type. For example, if generic type was instead to be
     * constructed for <code>ArrayList<Integer></code>, the usual call would be:
     *  TypeFactory.constructParametrizedType(ArrayList.class, List.class, Integer.class);
     * since parameterization is applied to {@link java.util.List}.
     * In most cases distinction does not matter, but there are types where it does;
     * one such example is parameterization of types that implement {@link java.util.Iterator}.
     * NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
     * when resolving <code>parameterClasses</code> into {@link JavaType}.
     * @param parametrized Type-erased type of instance being constructed
     * @param parametersFor class or interface for which type parameters are applied; either
     *   <code>parametrized</code> or one of its supertypes
     * @param parameterClasses Type parameters to apply
     * @since 2.5
    public JavaType constructParametrizedType(Class<?> parametrized, Class<?> parametersFor,
            Class<?>... parameterClasses)
        int len = parameterClasses.length;
        JavaType[] pt = new JavaType[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            pt[i] = _fromClass(parameterClasses[i], null);
        return constructParametrizedType(parametrized, parametersFor, pt);
