CDC 是我们上包的工具,平时我们会通过 Jenkis 打 rpm 包,然后再通过 CDC 刷这个包,最近某台 server 经常遇到 CDC 刷包失败的问题,于是先自己查了一下 CDC 上包的 log,发现有个报错,错误信息是 ERROR: monxpmp can not be started.,于是和 CDC Team 一起查了一下,最终原因是当前 server 的 linux 信号量满了,下面是检查步骤:
首先明确一下:monxpmp 是需要用系统 semaphore 的,系统 semaphore array 满了,monxpmp 就启动不了了
1. 尝试在机器上尝试移除 monxpmp 信号并重启 monxpmp
[root@prodhostname test]# for semid in `ipcs -s | grep monxpmp | awk '{print $2}'`; do ipcrm -s $semid; done | |
[root@prodhostname test]# service monxpmp start | |
INFO: alertsender has been running... | |
INFO: snmpd has been running... | |
INFO: monxpmpagt has been running... | |
ls: cannot access /opt/web/mon/log/monxpmphtp.log.*: No such file or directory | |
ERROR: monxpmp can not be started. | |
INFO: mondatapush is started. | |
Succeed to enable auto recover check. | |
[root@prodhostname test]# |
2. 查看 server 信息
[root@prodhostname test]# cat /etc/hosts | | localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 | |
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 | | prodhostname | |
[root@prodhostname test]# cat /etc/hostname | | | |
[root@prodhostname test]# |
3. 查看信号量大小,可以看到信号量满了,系统默认提供为 128(132>128 是因为有表头)
[root@prodhostname test]# ipcs -s | wc -l | |
132 | |
[root@prodhostname test]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem (查看信号量设置方法 1) | |
250 32000 32 128 | |
[root@prodhostname test]# sysctl -a | grep "kernel.sem =" (查看信号量设置方法 2) | |
kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 128 | |
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.all.stable_secret" | |
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.default.stable_secret" | |
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.ens192.stable_secret" | |
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.lo.stable_secret" | |
[root@prodhostname test]# ipcs -ls (查看信号量设置方法 3) | |
------ Semaphore Limits -------- | |
max number of arrays = 128 | |
max semaphores per array = 250 | |
max semaphores system wide = 32000 | |
max ops per semop call = 32 | |
semaphore max value = 32767 | |
[root@prodhostname test]# ipcs -l (查看信号量设置方法 4) | |
------ Messages Limits -------- | |
max queues system wide = 31764 | |
max size of message (bytes) = 8192 | |
default max size of queue (bytes) = 16384 | |
------ Shared Memory Limits -------- | |
max number of segments = 4096 | |
max seg size (kbytes) = 18014398509465599 | |
max total shared memory (kbytes) = 18014398442373116 | |
min seg size (bytes) = 1 | |
------ Semaphore Limits -------- | |
max number of arrays = 128 | |
max semaphores per array = 250 | |
max semaphores system wide = 32000 | |
max ops per semop call = 32 | |
semaphore max value = 32767 | |
[root@zsj2sat301 test]# ipcs -u (查看信号量使用状况) | |
------ Messages Status -------- | |
allocated queues = 0 | |
used headers = 0 | |
used space = 0 bytes | |
------ Shared Memory Status -------- | |
segments allocated 66 | |
pages allocated 7926 | |
pages resident 7926 | |
pages swapped 0 | |
Swap performance: 0 attempts 0 successes | |
------ Semaphore Status -------- | |
used arrays = 128 | |
allocated semaphores = 128 | |
[root@prodhostname test]# |
4. 解决方法一:找不到哪个用户资源申请的话,最简单的办法就是 reboot
5. 解决方法二:暴力全部释放
[root@prodhostname test]# for semid in `ipcs -s | awk '{print $2}'`; do ipcrm -s $semid; done | |
[root@prodhostname test]# |
6. 解决方法三:调高信号量数组,这里调为 256
[root@prodhostname test]# sysctl -w kernel.sem="250 32000 32 256" | |
kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 256 | |
[root@prodhostname test]# ipcs -s | wc -l | |
132 | |
[root@prodhostname test]# |
7. 启动 monxpmp 应用,启动成功
[root@prodhostname test]# service monxpmp start | |
INFO: alertsender has been running... | |
INFO: snmpd has been running... | |
INFO: monxpmpagt has been running... | |
ls: cannot access /opt/web/mon/log/monxpmphtp.log.*: No such file or directory | |
INFO: monxpmp is started. | |
INFO: mondatapush is started. | |
Succeed to enable auto recover check. | |
[root@prodhostname test]# |
8. 查看信号量列表,发现 monxpmp 启动添加成功
[root@prodhostname test]# ipcs -s | |
------ Semaphore Arrays -------- | |
key semid owner perms nsems | |
0x00000000 3768320 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3801089 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3964930 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3997699 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 2457604 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 2490373 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3440646 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3473415 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3506184 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3538953 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3702794 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 3735563 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4161548 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4194317 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4358158 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4390927 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4620304 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4653073 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4816914 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4849683 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4554772 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 4587541 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5013526 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5046295 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5210136 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5242905 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5406746 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5439515 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5603356 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5636125 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5799966 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5832735 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6127648 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6160417 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6389794 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6422563 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 5996580 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6029349 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6062118 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6094887 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6717480 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6750249 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6324266 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6357035 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6914092 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6946861 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6586414 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6619183 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6651952 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 6684721 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7110706 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7143475 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7372852 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7405621 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7569462 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7602231 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7307320 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7340089 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 8093754 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 8126523 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 8355900 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 8388669 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7766078 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7798847 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7831616 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7864385 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 7897154 root 600 1 | |
... ... | |
0x00000000 12812412 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 12845181 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 12943486 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 12976255 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 13140096 root 600 1 | |
0x00000000 13172865 root 600 1 | |
0x50038d9e 13205634 monxpmp 666 1 | |
0x52038d9e 13238403 monxpmp 666 1 | |
0x64038d9e 13271172 monxpmp 666 1 | |
0x4f038d9e 13303941 monxpmp 666 1 |
9.CDC 尝试刷包,成功
参考: 信号量 信号量
1.ipcs 用法
ipcs -a 是默认的输出信息 打印出当前系统中所有的进程间通信方式的信息 | |
ipcs -m 打印出使用共享内存进行进程间通信的信息 | |
ipcs -q 打印出使用消息队列进行进程间通信的信息 | |
ipcs -s 打印出使用信号进行进程间通信的信息 | |
ipcs -t 输出信息的详细变化时间 | |
ipcs -p 输出 ipc 方式的进程 ID | |
ipcs -c 输出 ipc 方式的创建者 / 拥有者,输出 ipc 各种方式的在该系统下的限制条件信息 | |
ipcs -u 输出当前系统下 ipc 各种方式的状态信息 (共享内存,消息队列,信号) |
2.ipcrm 用法
ipcrm -M shmkey 移除用 shmkey 创建的共享内存段 | |
ipcrm -m shmid 移除用 shmid 标识的共享内存段 | |
ipcrm -Q msgkey 移除用 msqkey 创建的消息队列 | |
ipcrm -q msqid 移除用 msqid 标识的消息队列 | |
ipcrm -S semkey 移除用 semkey 创建的信号 | |
ipcrm -s semid 移除用 semid 标识的信号 |