0. 概述:
探索可用的工具处理数据以及客户端与服务器之间的交互,案例为 RESTful。topic:





•Filtering and sorting

•To do — a RESTful sample project

1.Model (继承自:Ext.data.Model)

    定义了:fields, field types, validation, associations, and proxies.optional.        (如果未指定类型,默认:auto)

                    (通常代理实在data store里指定,但在model里指定一样很好)

    1)Field    (Ext.data.field.Field)


                                                                        •	 auto

                                                                        •	 boolean

                                                                        •	 date

                                                                        •	 int

                                                                        •	 number

                                                                        •	 string

    2)The data conversion    (数据转换,auto类型的field不会发生转换,如果不想转换可以制定属性为:null)

    3)Validators    (验证器)


                                                            •	 presence: This makes sure that a value is present for a particular field

                                                            •	 format: This format can be validated using a regular expression

                                                            •	 length: This length validator supports the maximum and minimum

                                                                            length validation

                                                            •	 exclusion and inclusion: You can pass a set of values to these validators to

                                                                            make sure that the value doesn't or does present in the given set of values


            Ext.define('Employee', {

                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                            fields: [

                                            { name: 'id', type: 'int', convert: null },

                                            { name: 'firstName', type: 'string' },

                                            { name: 'lastName', type: 'string' },

                                            { name: 'fulltime', type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true,convert: null },

                                            { name: 'gender', type: 'string' },

                                            { name: 'phoneNumber', type: 'string'},


                            validators: {

                            firstName: [

                                            { type: 'presence'},

                                            { type: 'length', min: 2 }



                                            { type: 'presence'},

                                            { type: 'length', min: 2 }


                            phoneNumber: {

                                            type: 'format',

                                            matcher: '/^[(+{1})|(00{1})]+([0-9]){7,10}$/'


                            gender: {

                                            type: 'inclusion',

                                            list: ['Male', 'Female']





            var newEmployee = Ext.create('Employee', {

                            id : 1,

                            firstName : 'Shiva',

                            lastName : 'Kumar',

                            fulltime : true,

                            gender: 'Male',

                            phoneNumber: '123-456-7890'



            var lastName = newEmployee.get('lastName');


    4)Relationships    (关系:实体之间的联系)

                ①One-to-one 关系                    

                            Ext.define('Address', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                                            fields: [







                            Ext.define('Employee', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                                            fields: [{

                                                        name: 'addressId',

                                                        reference: 'Address'



                ②One-to-many 一对多关系

                            Ext.define('Department', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                                            fields: [

                                                        { name: 'employeeId', reference: 'Employee' }



                            Ext.define('Division', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                                            fields: [

                                                        { name: 'departmentId', reference: 'Department' }



                ③Many-to-many 多对多关系

                            Ext.define('Employee', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                                            fields: [

                                                        { name: 'empId', type: 'int', convert: null },

                                                        { name: 'firstName', type: 'string' },

                                                        { name: 'lastName', type: 'string' },


                                            manyToMany: 'Project'


                            Ext.define('Project', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                                            fields: [



                                            manyToMany: 'Employee'


                ④Custom field types 自选关系类型

                            Ext.define('App.field.Email', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.field.Field',

                                            alias: 'data.field.email',

                                            validators: {

                                                            type: 'format',

                                                            matcher: /^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/,

                                                            message: 'Wrong Email Format'



2.Store (model 实例的集合,proxies 用来获得数据,继承:Ext.data.Store)



    1)用RESTful API请求加载数据(json格式)            

                var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                        model: 'Employee',

                                        storeId: 'mystore',

                                        proxy: {

                                                        type: 'rest',

                                                        url: '/employee',

                                                        reader: {

                                                                        type: 'json',

                                                                        rootProperty: 'data'



                                        autoLoad: true,

                                        autoSync: true


    2)a sync call    (同步呼叫)


                            callback: function (batch, options) {

                                                                            //Do something


                            success: function (batch, options) {

                                                                            //Do something


                            failure: function (batch, options) {

                                                                            //Do something


                            scope: this


    3)The inline data store


            Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                            model: 'Employee',

                            data: [


                                            firstName: 'Shiva',

                                            lastName: 'Kumar',

                                            gender: 'Male',

                                            fulltime: true,

                                            phoneNumber: '123-456-7890'



                                            firstName: 'Vishwa',

                                            lastName: 'Anand',

                                            gender: 'Male',

                                            fulltime: true,

                                            phoneNumber: '123-456-7890'




    4)Filtering and sorting    (筛选和排序,本地或远程)


                    var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                            model: 'Employee',                                         

                                            sorters: [{

                                                            property: 'firstName',

                                                            direction: 'ASC'

                                            }, {

                                                            property: 'fulltime',

                                                            direction: 'DESC'


                                            filters: [{

                                                            property: 'firstName',

                                                            value: /an/



    远程需要设置:remoteSort 和remoteFilter为true

    5)Accessing the store    (访问store) 

                ①Accessing the store using StoreManager

                    方法: lookup     (使用storeId)

                                Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                                    model: 'Employee',

                                                    storeId: 'mystore',

                                                    proxy: {

                                                                type: 'rest',

                                                                url: '/employee',

                                                                reader: {

                                                                type: 'json',

                                                                rootProperty: 'data'




                   实现:    Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('myStore');         (可简写为:Ext.getStore)

                ②Accessing the store using Ext.app.ViewModel    (ViewController里常用)

                            var myStore = this.getViewModel().getStore('myStore')

    6)Store events    (事件)

        •	 add: This is called when a record is added to the store

        •	 beforeload: This is called before loading the data

        •	 beforesync: This is called before the sync operation

        •	 datachanged: This is called when records are added or removed from the store

        •	 load: This is called when the store reads from a remote data store

        •	 remove: This is called when a record is removed from the store

        •	 update: This is called when a record gets updated


                                Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                                    model: 'Employee ',

                                                    storeId: 'mystore',

                                                    proxy: {

                                                                    type: 'rest',

                                                                    url: '/employee',

                                                                    reader: {

                                                                    type: 'json',

                                                                    rootProperty: 'data'



                                                    listeners: {

                                                                    load: function (store, records, options) {

                                                                                            //Do something





                                        init: function() {


                                                                this.onStoreLoad, this);


    7)The store in ViewModel


                Ext.define('MyApp.view.employee.EmployeeModel', {

                                                extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',

                                                alias: 'viewmodel.employee',

                                                stores: {

                                                employee: {

                                                fields: [

                                                                { name: 'id', type: 'string' },

                                                                { name: 'firstname', type: 'string' },

                                                                { name: 'lastname', type: 'string' }


                                                autoLoad: false,

                                                sorters: [{

                                                                property: 'firstname',

                                                                direction: 'ASC'


                                                proxy: {

                                                                type: 'rest',

                                                                url: 'employee',

                                                                reader: {

                                                                type: 'json',


                                                writer: {

                                                                type: 'json'






3.Proxies (代理)

    概述:store和model用代理进行加载和存储数据,配置proxies,可以指定怎么读写数据,也可以指定url读取数据,可以告知读者数据格式                        是json还是xml

    种类:client-side proxy and the server-side proxy    (客户端代理和服务器端代理)

    1)The client-side proxy    (客户端代理)

            ①The memory proxy    


                        var data = {

                        data: [


                                                firstName: 'Shiva',

                                                lastName: 'Kumar',

                                                gender: 'Male',

                                                fulltime: true,

                                                phoneNumber: '123-456-7890'



                                                firstName: 'Vishwa',

                                                lastName: 'Anand',

                                                gender: 'Male',

                                                fulltime: true,

                                                phoneNumber: '123-456-7890'



                        var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                        model: 'Employee',

                        data : data,

                        proxy: {

                                        type: 'memory',

                        reader: {

                                        type: 'json',

                                        rootProperty: 'Employee'




            ②The LocalStorage proxy (本地存储代理)


                        var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                            model: 'Benefits',

                                            autoLoad: true,

                                            proxy: {

                                                            type: 'localstorage',

                                                            id: 'benefits'



            ③The SessionStorage proxy    


                        var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                            model: 'Benefits',

                                            autoLoad: true,

                                            proxy: {

                                                            type: 'localstorage',

                                                            id : 'benefits'



    2)The server-side proxy    (服务器端代理)

        •	 Ajax: This is used to send asynchronous requests.

        •	 Direct: This uses Ext.Direct to communicate with the server.            

        •	 JSONP (JSON with padding): This is useful when you need to send a request to another domain. 

                                                        Ajax can be used only to send requests to the same domain.

        •	 REST: This is used to send an Ajax request to the server, using RESTful HTTP verbs, such as GET , POST , PUT , and DELETE                 .例子:

                    var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {

                                            model: 'Products',

                                            proxy: {

                                                            type: 'jsonp',

                                                            url : 'http://domain.com/products',

                                                            callbackKey: 'productsCallback'



4.To do – a RESTful sample project (做一个)
