1. 此解释来自百度百科

GroupID 是项目组织唯一的标识符,实际对应 JAVA 的包的结构,是 main 目录里 java 的目录结构。

ArtifactID 就是项目的唯一的标识符,实际对应项目的名称,就是项目根目录的名称。
一般 GroupID 就是填 com.leafive.test 这样子。

  1. 具体可以查看 spring 官网对 pom 文件标签的解释:http://spring.io/guides/gs/maven/

① 这个是 pom 文件头的

<modelVersion>. POM model version (always 4.0.0).
<groupId>. Group or organization that the project belongs to. Often expressed as an inverted domain name.
<artifactId>. Name to be given to the project’s library artifact (for example, the name of its JAR or WAR file).
<version>. Version of the project that is being built.
<packaging> - How the project should be packaged. Defaults to "jar" for JAR file packaging. Use "war" for WAR file packaging.

② 这个是 dependency 中的

<groupId> - The group or organization that the dependency belongs to.
<artifactId> - The library that is required.
<version> - The specific version of the library that is required.
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