RESTful Web Service Good Design Practice


We should make sure have a friendly and sententious URL definition in vision server side, and in our program, a very important point is to position our resources for user, so that we need to display a good and friendly uri for users include developers.
REST(representational state transfer) is an architectural style consisting of a coordinated set of components,connectors,and data elements within a distributed hypermedia refers to a collection of architecture constraints and principles, it is an application design.a style!
So, we need it in our vision server.

URI Operation Design

##Good design principles##

  1. Version your API:
Or set the version in HTTP header:
curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3

    Accept:; version=1.0
	Accept:; version=1.2
	Accept:; version=2.0
  1. Use Http Method
    Such as

    GET(SELECT), get resources from server.
    POST(CREATE), create resources in server  (from client or others)
    PUT(UPDATE), update the resources that client supplied.
    PATCH(UPDATE), client supply specific properties and the server update
    DELETE(DELETE),delete specific resource from server.

    Eg :

     			HTTP Method
  2. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
    Collection, such as
    Element, such as
    List the URIs and perhaps other details of the collection's members.
    Retrieve a representation of the addressed member of the collection, expressed in an appropriate Internet media type.
    Replace the entire collection with another collection.
    Replace the addressed member of the collection, or if it does not exist, create it.
    Create a new entry in the collection. The new entry's URI is assigned automatically and is usually returned by the operation.
    Not generally used. Treat the addressed member as a collection in its own right and create a new entry in it
    Delete the entire collection.
    Delete the addressed member of the collection

  3. Use nouns, instead of verbs:

	Right : 
		GET /products :	will return the list of all products
			POST /products:	will add a product to the collection
			GET /products/4:	will return product #4
			PATCH/PUT /products/4:	will update product #4
		Wrong :
  1. Use the plural form
    Reference : above examples.
    Use /artists instead of /artist.
    GET and HEAD calls should always be safe
    It means that GET and HEAD method should always be safe to call.
    GET /delete_Product?id=1
    The state shouldn’t be altered.
  2. Use nested resources
    Like java Inheritance relationship , also like a tree with its leaves, always from a
    big abstract instance to a specific instance, it’s stratified。
    Reference :
    GET /users/jalen/books/spring_in_action
  3. Paging
    Returning a very large result set from HTTP is not a good idea neither, it cost
    so much performance,so paging. (don’t make the URI too large)
    Reference :
  4. Use proper HTTP status codes
	Eg :
	Success code:
		201 Created:should be used when creating content (INSERT),
		202 Accepted:should be used when a request is queued for background 
			processing (async tasks),
		204 No Content: should be used when the request was properly executed 
			but no content was returned (a good example would be when you 
			delete something).
	Client error codes:
		400 Bad Request:should be used when there was an error while 
			processing the request payload (malformed JSON, for instance).
		401 Unauthorized:should be used when a request is not authorized 
			(wrong access token, or username or password).
		403 Forbidden:should be used when the request is successfully 
			authorized (see 401), but the action was forbidden.
		406 Not Acceptable:should be used when the requested format is not 
			available (for instance, when requesting an XML resource from a 
			JSON only server).
		410 Gone:Should be returned when the requested resource is 
			deleted and will never be available again.
		422 Unprocessable entity:Could be used when there was a validation 
			error while creating an object.
Reference :
  1. Use “_” or “-” to read friendly
    Reference :
    Use “/” show the layer
    Reference :
    Always return a consistent error payload(error handling)
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    “Status”: “Unauthorized”,
    “message”:”No access token provided”,
    “Request_id”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxx”
    The API provide the reference data , return to a result.
    Reference :
    ?limit=10:return quantity limit
    ?page=2&per_page=100:return the page, and the page items
    ?sort_by=name & order=asc: return the sort item and how to sort

  2. Hypermedia API
    Reference :
    "rel": "collection",
    “Href”: “”,
    “Title”: “list of zoos”,
    “Type”: “application/vnd.your_format+json”

  3. Security
    The interface used https by default,and give a key-value reference behind.For
    platform API, choose the OAuth2.0 may be better.

Show what to do
http method
Show how to do
http status code
Show the result

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