# 问题代码

if (dutyOfficerNameAccount != "" && dutyOfficerNameAccount != null) {

# 官方解释

Comparison of String objects using == or !=

This code compares java.lang.String objects for reference equality using the == or != operators. 
Unless both strings are either constants in a source file, or have been interned using the String.intern() method, 
the same string value may be represented by two different String objects. 
Consider using the equals(Object) method instead.

从字面意思可以理解 String 对象进行比较的时候:只有两种情况可以使用 == or != 的,这两种情况是;在源文件中是个常数或者是调用
String.intern () 方法,使用 String 的规范化表示形式来进行比较,如果不是这两中情况的话推荐使用.equals (object) 方式。