0. 概述

• Charts types
• Bar and column charts
• Area and line charts
• Pie charts
• 3D charts
• The expense analyzer – a sample project

三种 chart 类型:cartesian, polar, and spacefilling.

1)The cartesian chart (Ext.chart.CartesianChart (xtype: cartesian or chart))直角坐标系(含 x 和 y 轴)
2)The polar chart (Ext.chart.PolarChart (xtype: polar))极坐标图表(含 angular and radial 角度与极轴)
3)The spacefilling chart (Ext.chart.SpaceFillingChart (xtype: spacefilling))空间填充图
4)Bar and column charts ()条形图和柱状图

1. 柱状图

    0)创建一个simple tree store

            Ext.define('MyApp.model.Population', {

                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                            fields: ['year', 'population']


            Ext.define('MyApp.store.Population', {

                            extend: 'Ext.data.Store',

                            storeId: 'population',

                            model: 'MyApp.model.Population',

                            data: [

                                            { "year": "1610","population": 350 },

                                            { "year": "1650","population": 50368 },

                                            { "year": "1700", "population": 250888 },

                                            { "year": "1750","population": 1170760 },

                                            { "year": "1800","population": 5308483 },

                                            { "year": "1900","population": 76212168 },

                                            { "year": "1950","population": 151325798 },

                                            { "year": "2000","population": 281421906 },

                                            { "year": "2010","population": 308745538 },



            var store = Ext.create("MyApp.store.Population");

    1)用Ext.chart.CartesianChart (xtype:cartesian or chart )创建图表,同时使用上面的store

            Ext.create('Ext.Container', {

                            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

                            width: 500,

                            height: 500,

                            layout: 'fit',

                            items: [{

                                            xtype: 'chart',

                                            insetPadding: { top: 60, bottom: 20, left: 20, right: 40 },

                                            store: store,

                            axes: [{

                                            type: 'numeric',

                                            position: 'left',

                                            grid: true,

                                            title: { text: 'Population in Millions', fontSize: 16 },

                                            }, {

                                            type: 'category',

                                            title: { text: 'Year', fontSize: 16 },

                                            position: 'bottom',


                            series: [{

                                            type: 'bar',

                                            xField: 'year',

                                            yField: ['population']


                            sprites: {

                                            type: 'text',

                                            text: 'United States Population',

                                            font: '25px Helvetica',

                                            width: 120,

                                            height: 35,

                                            x: 100,

                                            y: 40


                            } ]


    2)The bar chart    (使用的store同上)

            Ext.create('Ext.Container', {

                            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

                            width: 500,

                            height: 500,

                            layout: 'fit',

                            items: [{

                                            xtype: 'chart',

                                            flipXY: true,

                                            insetPadding: { top: 60, bottom: 20, left: 20, right: 40 },

                                            store: store,

                            axes: [{

                                            type: 'numeric',

                                            position: 'bottom',

                                            grid: true,

                                            title: { text: 'Population in Millions', fontSize: 16 },

                                            }, {

                                            type: 'category',

                                            title: { text: 'Year', fontSize: 16 },

                                            position: 'left',


                            series: [{

                                            type: 'bar',

                                            xField: 'year',

                                            yField: ['population']


                            sprites: {

                                            type: 'text',

                                            text: 'United States Population',

                                            font: '25px Helvetica',

                                            width: 120,

                                            height: 35,

                                            x: 100,

                                            y: 40


                            } ]


    3)The stacked chart    (堆积图)

    store里面添加一个field    (上面的store不变)

            Ext.define('MyApp.model.Population', {

                            extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

                            fields: ['year', 'total','slaves']


            Ext.define('MyApp.store.Population', {

                            extend: 'Ext.data.Store',

                            storeId: 'population',

                            model: 'MyApp.model.Population',

                            data: [

                                            { "year": "1790", "total": 3.9, "slaves": 0.7 },

                                            { "year": "1800", "total": 5.3, "slaves": 0.9 },

                                            { "year": "1810", "total": 7.2, "slaves": 1.2 },

                                            { "year": "1820", "total": 9.6, "slaves": 1.5 },

                                            { "year": "1830", "total": 12.9, "slaves": 2 },

                                            { "year": "1840", "total": 17, "slaves": 2.5 },

                                            { "year": "1850", "total": 23.2, "slaves": 3.2 },

                                            { "year": "1860", "total": 31.4, "slaves": 4 },



            var store = Ext.create("MyApp.store.Population");

            Ext.create('Ext.Container', {

                            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

                            width: 500,

                            height: 500,

                            layout: 'fit',

                            items: [{

                                            xtype: 'cartesian',

                                            store: store,

                                            insetPadding: { top: 60, bottom: 20, left: 20, right: 40 },

                            axes: [{

                                            type: 'numeric',

                                            position: 'left',

                                            grid: true,

                                            title: { text: 'Population in Millions', fontSize: 16 },

                                            }, {

                                            type: 'category',

                                            title: { text: 'Year', fontSize: 16 },

                                            position: 'bottom',


                            series: [{

                                            type: 'bar',

                                            xField: 'year',

                                            yField: ['total','slaves']


                            sprites: {

                                            type: 'text',

                                            text: 'United States Slaves Distribution 1790 to 1860',

                                            font: '20px Helvetica',

                                            width: 120,

                                            height: 35,

                                            x: 60,

                                            y: 40




            //note:不用stacking也可以,可以set the stacked property of the series to false,意思没变,样式变了                


            •	 tooltip : This can be added easily by setting a tooltip property in the series

            •	 legend : This can be rendered to any of the four sides of the chart by

            specifying the legend config

            •	 sprites : This can be an array if you want to specify multiple information,

            such as header, footer, and so on

    4)The 3D bar chart

        change the type of the series to 3D bar instead of bar

    5)The area chart

            ①The area chart    (替换之前的series即可)

                            series: [{

                                            type: 'area',      


                                            xField: 'year',

                                            stacked: false,

                                            title: ['Total','slaves'],

                                            yField: ['total', 'slaves'],

                                            style: {

                                            stroke: "#94ae0a",

                                            fillOpacity: 0.6,



    6)The line chart

            series: [{

                                    type: 'line',

                                    xField: 'year',

                                    title: ['Total'],

                                    yField: ['total']



                                    type: 'line',

                                    xField: 'year',

                                    title: ['Slaves'],

                                    yField: ['slaves']


    7)The pie chart    (常用:Ext.chart.PolarChart (xtype: polar))

            ①The basic pie chart

                            Ext.define('MyApp.store.Expense', {

                                            extend: 'Ext.data.Store',

                                            alias: 'store.expense',

                                            fields: [ 'cat', 'spent'],

                                            data: [

                                                            { "cat": "Restaurant", "spent": 100},

                                                            { "cat": "Travel", "spent": 150},

                                                            { "cat": "Insurance", "spent": 500},

                                                            { "cat": "Rent", "spent": 1000},

                                                            { "cat": "Groceries", "spent": 400},

                                                            { "cat": "Utilities", "spent": 300},



                            var store = Ext.create("MyApp.store.Expense");


                            Ext.create('Ext.Container', {

                                            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

                                            width: 600,

                                            height: 500,

                                            layout: 'fit',

                                            items: [{

                                                            xtype: 'polar',

                                                            legend: { docked: 'bottom' },

                                                            insetPadding: { top: 100, bottom: 20, left: 20, right: 40 },

                                                            store: store,

                                            series: [{

                                                            type: 'pie',

                                                            angleField: 'spent',

                                                            label: {

                                                                            field: 'cat',


                                            tooltip: {

                                                            trackMouse: true,

                                                            renderer: function (storeItem, item) {

                                                                            var value = ((parseFloat(storeItem.get('spent') /

                                                                            storeItem.store.sum('spent')) * 100.0).toFixed(2));

                                                                            this.setHtml(storeItem.get('cat') + ': ' + value + '%');






    8)The donut chart    (圆圈图)

    9)The 3D pie chart    (3D饼图)

            Ext.create('Ext.Container', {

                            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

                            width: 600,

                            height: 500,

                            layout: 'fit',

                            items: [{

                                            xtype: 'polar',

                                            legend: { docked: 'bottom' },

                                            insetPadding: { top: 100, bottom: 20, left: 80, right: 80 },

                                            store: store,

                            series: [{

                                            type: 'pie3d',

                                            donut: 50,

                                            thickness: 70,

                                            distortion: 0.5,

                                            angleField: 'spent',

                                            label: { field: 'cat' },

                                            tooltip: {

                                                            trackMouse: true,

                                                            renderer: function (storeItem, item) {

                                                                            var value = ((parseFloat(storeItem.get('spent') /

                                                                            storeItem.store.sum('spent')) * 100.0).toFixed(2));

                                                                            this.setHtml(storeItem.get('cat') + ': ' + value + '%');






2. 案例:expense analyzer 费用分析